Features and Configurations


Registering your models

Do not use the standard Django method to register your application:

from django.contrib import admin
admin.site.register(YourModel, YourModelAdmin)

Rather that, register your models using one of the following functions, by model or app that it is explained in the following sections:

  • auto_configure_admin_for_model(model, override=False, **kwargs)
  • auto_configure_admin_for_app(app, override=False)
  • auto_configure_admin(applications=[], exclude_applications=[], override=False)

Configuration per model

Uset the auto_configure_admin_for_model method:

from django_smart_autoregister import auto_configure_admin_for_model
from django.contrib.auth.models import User


To override the automatically generated config, you can set the ModelAdmin attribute as a auto_configure_admin_for_model method parameter:

auto_configure_admin_for_model(User, raw_id_fields=[], search_fields=['email', 'username'])

Pay attention you can receive a AlreadyRegistered exception if you are trying to configure a model that has already been registered. If you want to override previous configurations, you can use like this:

auto_configure_admin_for_model(User, raw_id_fields=[], search_fields=['email', 'username'], override=True)

Configure all models

You can configure automatically all models of a list of applications defined in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:

# admin.py
from django_smart_autoregister import auto_configure_admin
auto_configure_admin(['your_app1', 'your_app2'])

# or
auto_configure_admin(applications=['your_app1', 'your_app2'])

Or you can automatically configure the admin for all apps defined in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:

from django_smart_autoregister import auto_configure_admin

And to exclude some application:

from django_smart_autoregister import auto_configure_admin



Sometimes you can to override the default intelligence of the tool. To do that, define the DSA_FIELD_STRATEGY settings in your settings.py file:

# Functions that receive a field instance (e.g: `models.CharField(max_length=1)`) and return a boolean
# If this functions returns True, the field will be included in the admin attribute config (e.g: `Admin.raw_id_fields`)
    'raw_id_fields': lambda field: True,

For example, lets create a strategy that we will configure the list_filter for every model field that contains choices:

# This module offers a set of useful introspection functions to manipulate Django models/fields
from django_smart_autoregister.django_helper import field_has_choices

class MyModel(models.Model):
    my_choices = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=(('A', 'A'), ('B', 'B')))
    another_choices = models.CharField(max_length=2)

    'list_filter': lambda field: field_has_choices(field),

# `Admin.list_filter` will return `['my_choices']`

Or we can customize some default values:

    'list_per_page': 20,
    'list_max_show_all': 50,


Sometimes you can put some intelligence after the value (e.g: list_field = [field1, field2, field7]) was created by the tool or by the DSA_FIELD_STRATEGY settings. To to that define a strategy that will receive the generated value and fixed it according to your ideas throw the settings DSA_FULL_STRATEGY:

# function(values) => values
    'raw_id_fields': lambda values: values_updated,

For example, we want to show in the maximum 5 columns in the admin list table:

    'list_display': lambda values: values[0:5],

# Without this config: Admin.list_display = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']
# With this last config: Admin.list_display = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']